1. A Crash Course Video Guide To Opera: With the expert help of Barry Goldsmith (affectionately called "Opera Man" by my literature students) I compiled a selection of video clips introducing the five major singing roles in an opera.
http://www.readingart.com/operaorientation.htm2. Programme Notes: A list of the singing roles and Anthony Davis' statements about the origins of his creation, the Amistad opera. Click here to view the posting.
3. Literary analysis of a key aria in the opera: "Skin of Clouds" (Act II, Scene 7)
I marked up a copy of text for this aria as if it were a poem by using the "literary superpower tools" of diction, symbolism, tone, and allusion.
4. Review background materials:
Poem: "Middle Passage" by Robert Hayden
Anthony Davis stated that it was this poem by Hayden that first drew his attention to working on the Amistad opera.
During and after the performance
The Critic's Notebook: This is a piece of paper folded into quarters to create a mini notebook where one can scribble notes during and after the performance.